Joshua was happy to see the animals too!
A full picture of one of Daddy's dream cars
A family discovering life together.
(That's Joshua crawling around on the entrance)
And Benjamin bouncing around inside :)
Other than that, life has been going well. Ben is working his way through potty training, it's a bit slow at times, but he's had two dry days so far, and we told him once he had 10 he would get a bike. So he's got his chart on the fridge with stickers over the days that he stays dry. He's very excited about it, so it shouldn't be long before he really gets it.
I'll post a story or two about France tomorrow on here (same bat time, same bat channel), so tonight I'll end with a few random family pictures, and a video we took from the top of the mountain we hiked up while in France. The tiny houses you see in the trees are Camp des Cimes where we were staying. We hiked up a few thousand feet to get this view. Very amazing. :)
Our Pool out back
Our Graham Cracker monster
Ben about to squirt the camera with his shark...
Ok... so I can't figure out how to post the video on here... Any one have an idea? I'll keep trying and hopefully get it up tomorrow. Have a great weekend everyone!
The one that eats his vegetables
And the one who doesn't... :)
Here's Benjamin conquering the climbing wall at a local park
and Joshua having deep thoughts :)
Until next time, Goodbye from the Red Wagon! :)
Troy and Meleah enjoying the plane ride...
CA and I enjoying our plane ride...
At least someone slept on the flight over the Atlantic... not me! :(
We weren't quite as cheery sitting in the Lyon Airport waiting for our guitars to show up...
But there was some beautiful scenery on the way to the camp
And eventually we arrived at the end of our journey (for that day)
And saw a little of the town
In the end, the trip was good, and we arrived safely :)