Sunday, May 13, 2007

Ben's Birthday Party

Benjamin's birthday was last week, so we had a party, and invited over some friends. His big present for his birthday was a Fisher Price 'Kids Tough' Digital Camera, and he loves it. He's always loved when we would occasionally let him take a picture with our digital camera, but we were always worried he would damage the camera or try to play with it like it's a toy when we're not watching, so this Fisher Price camera was a great gift.

I figured I'd let benjamin tell the story of his birthday party as he saw it. So, I give you Benjamin's photo-blog of his party.

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1 comment:

Hope said...

Hey CarrieAnn! I followed Pearl's blog to yours. Im new on blogspot.... wow, its great to see what you guys have been up to. : ) I just got home from Cambodia and am about to finish the last semester in minneapolis and graduate! lets stay in touch!