I figured I'd let benjamin tell the story of his birthday party as he saw it. So, I give you Benjamin's photo-blog of his party.
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Ben's Birthday Party
I figured I'd let benjamin tell the story of his birthday party as he saw it. So, I give you Benjamin's photo-blog of his party.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Hawaii picture post
Ah well, someday I'll have to retire there and be a bum on the beach. :)
Good Japanesse food all over the island
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
Once again we try this....
Smile, God is crazy about you!
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Let's try this again...
Really though I just got out of the habit, and need to get back into it.
So some basic updates: Joshua is talking up a storm lately, and is extremely proud of himself, he giggles a lot each time he realizes he's grasped a new word or phrase.
We're closing on a new house today, over in South St. Paul. It's pretty exciting, it needs some work, but we got a great deal on it, and I think it's a place we could really live in for a while, and has plenty of room to expand.
We cooked up some amazing food over the last few weeks, a delicious Pad Thai, and even some gourmet pizzas. Hopefully I'll start keeping up with this and post some pictures of our creations.
There's other news to be shared, but I'm going to keep this short in the interest of having stuff to write about later. Thanks to anyone still reading this, we haven't forgotten about you, just have gotten a bit lazy.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Time sure goes quick!
Let's see....
It's getting darker out sooner....
Joshua is now Walking!
We have all been sick for a while...
Soon we will go trick-or-treating!
The Tigers are in the world series!
We'll post more later! (Hopefully not too much later)
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Trampoline fun :-)

He is so small though it is hard to get a good picture of him because he jumps so fast

Thursday, September 14, 2006
Firsts and fun

Benjamin got his hands on his first medical bag with all the supplies, and we believe that Joshua may be the first in our family to pursue the medical profession.. (Well maybe not but he used it WAY more than Benjamin and loves to give "shots")

Due to Benjamin having a completely dry day with potty training he got a bubble bath tonight! He had a blast and stayed in it for as long as I would let him. I am sure that he will talk about it for the next several days to come.
Well I think I am going to get off to working some more then going to bed. I am tired and I have some serious garage sale-ing to do tomorrow. :-) Benjamin has his second day of school to go to so hopefully Joshua and I will have time to take a nap while he is there. Have a good weekend everyone and we look forward to seeing your comments on our page.
Love, CarrieAnn